i challenge you to a duel

titles are supposed to represent the body of your text....i just throw things up there i found catchy at that moment.....which with no explanation probably has nothing to do with the stuff underneath it....in saying that.....whilst watching kate and leopold, we got into the discussion that "we need to get a british accent to get chicks" says frank....."girl will fall in love with me just for the accent"....and so for the rest of the night....he challenged all of us to duels, called us merry andrews, and apparently i became his liege.....

as his liege....i too have fallen rank to that LB show....which isn't so bad, cuz yes yogi...i had to wiggity wack off after the show (just kidding)...i did however, after the 'suckiest' commercial free episode, head to the gym....donna as my marathon trainee inspiration, and that LB3 preview of all those jacked teens as motivation....i proceeded to almost kill myself on the treadmill while watching my man roy williams.....

and so while i was changing tshirts after 5 miles (yes...if donna can do it so can i!)....one guy walked into the locker room and said hi to another friend about to leave....



i swear i was about to just fall on the floor and die laughing......

d e r p d e r p: bloody nipple from running?
fathead68: hahah
d e r p d e r p: he can't help himself
fathead68: man
d e r p d e r p: he needs to tell me these things
fathead68: yeah
fathead68: it was like girls lactacting
fathead68: on their shirts
fathead68: but with blood
d e r p d e r p: HAHAHAHHHA
d e r p d e r p: hurt?
d e r p d e r p: thats soo funny
d e r p d e r p: but soo not cool

fathead68: haha
fathead68: yeah its all scabby right now

sometimes i'll prefer the extra long drive even if it's ridiculously far, to anywhere....you gotta get in ur daily drive just to listen to music, but as i used to pop in acoustic jams and emotionally distraught songs for all occassions, i'm now only playing 2 cd's on repeat chok filled with chinese songs.....it just gives you little more prespective when speeding down the LIE, surprisingly shaving off some minutes on the drive...=)


yogiBare said...

where u livin now?li? or city....5miles? damn crazy running too much running makes me shrink in size

vixstar said...

who the hell is donna??