-- if someone ever said that about me...i'd cry....
asshole - apparently, thats what i am....a nightly drive out for the sheer pleasure of listening to music (one song on repeat)...bonding over wine and a topic of boys, girls, sex, and, the, city. homo-erotic. so as donna, the hoan touted "best girlfriend in the world", began to ask hypothetical questions about "why do boys do this...why do boys do that...why why why", just a perfect example as to how the gender brain waves emit am VERSUS fm, i sat there admitting to every assholish thing a dude has done....making me....the arse for the night....
"he's just not that into you" -- just read the book...you'll form ur own conversation out of it. although i don't reccomend the book....
butt nasty would be the catch phrase of the night....hoan scrolled through his rolodex hitlist from his collegiate career and barked his hatred/envy of those "TALL TOUGH GUY KOREANS" HAHAHA....apparently, the lil viet was a bitter man all throughout college....bitter and envious of all those ugly korean dudes that got all these hot girls....but i knew hoan in college, he got girls...he never seemed bitter.....
anyone down for weekday boarding trips?
if consumption is the motto of my immediate group of friends...then slowly i am becoming the anti-christ of the group....when i first came back to new york and re-acquainted myself with the consecutive days of blogging, i claimed to be the yin of victor's yang blog and has the prophecy fulfilled itself? genius 'tis i!...where consumption now leaves a void, the word addiction now appears twice on the forehead....hmm...maybe its a mix of addiciton and compulsion...and even obsession? regardless i've brought it to my own attention that it's psychotic how much RED siracha i eat...(if i didn't add in the colored adj, this blog would be in trouble), it's funny how peers influence every aspect of your life and i'd have to attest this trait to f. hong. he puts siracha on everything and presently, as do i. soup, salad, rice, chips, cucumbers, meat, pretzels, seafood....we've named just about EVERYTHING minus desserts....if you can think of anything that could stump us....shoot!
it's like clockwork that as my birthday approaches every year there needs no prior planning whether weekday or weeknight we'll end up 1. at victor's apt playing kings and me drinking a snotload and 2. venture into ktown for our usual soju and beerfest....as coincidence would have it that blue is now closed - i want NOTHING to do with ktown this year....ironically kunjip has been the party spot in btwn post club and pre-after party venue every night....and at the ripe age of 25, i'll have to admit that this would be the first time i've grown out of a ktown birthday. its sad and unfortunate.....anyways..this is the current mood...things could change in a few weeks....
i stared at jeans today....and i thought of this....
envision a pair of naturally distressed jeans....tattered to a point where one straggling piece of denim tails out onto the street with every step....you love those jeans, they're a perfect fit, starting to wear down....and slowly losing shape and after 3 years you're starting to think they don't fit as well or it might be time to retire them....not sure what to do.......then someone comes and steps on that tattered denim strand and starts unraveling the entire leg....i feel as though thats what i do when people ask me for relationship advice....i don't really do it on purpose....but i just ask questions to push the argument for the sake of properly assessing both viewpoints....but as i have no clue what i'm talking about....the bullshit that i push may deter the person in the right direction....it's unfortunate....as bad of a friend as this may come off to some, to others, this might exactly be the right antidote....blegh..what am i babbling for?..most poeple have their minds made up already...
"it's just an[other] excuse to order another bottle" - v. HSU
who said that about me??
hahaha.. "he didn't age well"...hehe
party time!
wow u wrote a lot.
we'll go boarding on the weekdays when i'm done with finals...i'll be free after 12/15
i'd cry too
s'ok. some people need that denim strand to be stepped on. and you're right, no matter which direction you inadvertently veer them towards, they're gonna have to make that decision on their own in the end. all's well that end's well? or in some cases, not so well. =P
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