finally hit the slopes after a 3 week snow was great...but...

CRACKED MY HELMET!!! is that possible!!!...hit up a box....came down and slammed my head on the ice....kept saying to myself  "woulda died if i hadn't worn a helmet"....but didnt realize i cracked the helmet till the end of the day....scared shitless the whole night.......

ridin' switch baby!!...riding duckfoot really does hurt the knees...but well worth it....

FLIP CUP....oh man..friggin awesome game...odd how i've never played that before....



hahaha....starting tomorrow...i have 2 people working UNDER ME!!

imagine that....




rosaleen said...

<LABEL id=HbSession SessionId="316317294">Ohhhh that's CRAZY~ Hope ya had fun up there!  Flip cup's the shiz, u get so drunk so fast... haha
<LABEL SessionId="316317294">happy working! bbye

Anonymous said...

woohoo moving up the corporate ladder! too bad you're becoming Dr. Chin