"i came to see about a girl..."
-chomo coins the term "medium thickness...medium spread" about the fact that i have too many friends. i struggle with it now. but i enjoy it too. it's become me, and it's undone me. it's hard to show people they're special, and it's hard for me to ignore the wide eyed energy that i feed off from a buffet of others...i may do more unorthodox methods to show effort, but ultimately it gets washed away by the attention i give to my "gazillion friends". i guess i'm hard pressed to find someone to guide me through the downsizing process, so i'll have to fix it on my own right? but how do you fix it when u're single?
and so as she calls me curious george...my interests are everywhere. my core doesn't fall to temptation but rather the wander of wonder. it's like ADD but i'd like to think that i'm focused as i feel i can properly process all light hearted surface interests at the same time. (work related stuff takes a lil more focus or at least the appearance of undivided focus...tho im probably going to have to apply that to my people skills...esp for the people i care about)
[North is trying to explain to Jack what a "centre" is, using a nesting doll. Jack takes it apart and sees at the centre...]
Jack: (dryly) There's a tiny wooden baby.
North: Look closer. What do you see?
Jack: You have big eyes...
North: Yes! Big eyes, very big, because they are full of wonder. That is my center. It is what I was born with, eyes that have only seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air. This wonder is what I put into the world, and what I protect in children. It is what makes me a guardian. It is my center, what is yours?
Jack: I don't know.

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