gila mom.
i don't mean it in a disrespectful way. but someone really needs to step in and tell the diva to relax and use some common sense before she really starts going bezerk. it starts with bringing costco nachos from the US to Taiwan. then there's bringing knives pots and peelers back and forth. then there's asking me to bring stuff from the states that i originally and brought from jakarta one year ago. then there's the 100 dollars spent at the noodle store on peanuts chips and chili sauce that i had to throw away for non use. then there's the curry powder that has been sitting there for a year. then there's the batik dress that costs 10 dollars. but she wants me to spend an extra day traveling from hk to shenzhen to drop it off. i'm already a kacang smuggler at this point...

"buy me 10 packets of curry powder"
"這個我不會幫你買。 上次買了你沒有用。 我還特別去找。 她自己要他自己跟我說。 她問我要買咖喱粉我不會買。 上次找了半天。。。你根本沒用。 糟蹋我的愛心。 你們要的東西好好一次寫好。 我們這裡沒有像你想象的那麼容易去買。 今天姑姑特地去找你要的睡衣。 特地叫車夫來。 我沒車。 你要。。。還是幫你去找。。。去買。。。但買了你不用。 放一年。。。這種feeling 一點也不酥湖。 “
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