by this date, i had been back for 4 days. and it already felt like weeks. i dont miss a beat. i wasn't sleeping much. drinking a ton. and even chomo said i had issues while he was on a bender in vegas. and i hadn't even seen chomo yet. so he met me after work. and we had planned for food. no drinks. which sounded odd cuz what else would we do? get pinkberry and coffee? and as life would have it...within 5 minutes of meeting me at the hotel, he encountered a work disaster. which was followed by me eating in silence for the next hour. and then a trip to the bar.
we went upstairs to hotel eventi. and theres a long path leading to the bar. at which point we looked at each other and knew what was in store for the night. DRINK DRANK DRUNK....monday nights...
"i forgot what it's like to have you around..."

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