i scripted it. but it didn't feel right to read something. i went with my gut feeling. i went near last following after a slue of soft spoken shy public speakers. so before i went up...my table put some pressure on me "don't embarrass me and make sure we can hear you"...as if they would doubt my decibel level and veteran wedding speech skills...
Grandparents, Mom, Dad, Uncle Auntie, Friends Peers...Good evening Everyone. 안녕하십니까. 大家好。 Great to see everyone tonight. My name is alex. and i've known esther since 학원 and i see a lot of old faces here that i also know from hakwon. i've heard a few comments wondering why i'm on the grooms side and not in a dress. it's probably cuz i'd took too good in a dress...
so i see a lot of esthers family here tonight i haven't seen in so long. grandma, aunts, uncles...it feels like family. "but lets be honest here, i'm chinese". hahahah. but esther is family. my parents are so proud of esther's big day. and when my closest friend for so long gets married it only makes me think...1. where did the time go? 2. what the hell am i doing with my life and 3. i'm so happy for you. in that order. it's hard to be friends with someone for so long in todays world. we studied in hs. and talked and learned about life. then after we went to diff schools, we tried to start a band. she started listening to acoustic albums and moved to michigan to get smarter. i moved to korea and continued listening to kpop. and yet she's always been that one constant for me. and now she's married....and well...and really i am so happy for esther. it's been a long time coming. and for her to find the most caring and genuine person in brian. makes me at ease to know she's taken care of. it probably also sets a better example as she lectures me on settling down.
and by settling down i mean...babies...=)
so lets raise our glasses to the two of them. Esther and Brian...

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