if i could've, i would have liked to slumber with the blackout blinds until late afternoon. order room service. then go out again. instead, since i couldn't sleep anymore, we went to meet frank and jpeng for brunch. cookshop wasn't as good as i remembered. and the rain ruined my plans to walk the highline. i couldn't really drink either. frank, didn't make it to work that friday. nor did he care either. and to celebrate that event, he decided to continue last nights bender into lunch. which probably didn't bode well for his chances with jpeng. his comic relief while hilarious to our group of seasoned peers, may not allow enough leeway for strangers to admire its brilliance. which in fact then turns to awkwardness and causes the girl to say shortly thereafter "i'm leaving". no matter, we went to rye. and had more drinks w alice (thanks brant for the drinks). sami came by. amazing to see sami doing well. that was truly fate for us to be brought together to have such a shitty job/boss and still remain quite close. headed back to hotel to nap. where frank pangoo'ed and made the bathroom disgusting. and we went downstairs to the wedding rehearsal drinks. and then went to third floor for kyoungs surprise birthday party. i missed the surprise since i was in the bathroom. but spent most of the night with joe and sally...before leaving early. in bed by 1. and still got no sleep...
it needs to be said that the food at the andaz is friggin good. most notably that octopus dish. "octopus confit"

ting is gonna hook me up with ORIGINS!!!!!!

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