im finally back at home. feels great. cleaned the house. changed the sheets. gonna vacuum tomorrow. all part of my extended domestic chore workout plan. and everyday this week my dads been finding opportune times to have a talk with me. dont go back to korea. go to jakarta. go to singapore. i'll give you this. i'll give u that. u can only imagine my family's reaction to north korea's warning to foreigners in south korean 15 days ago...(in contrast my peers in korea act like nothing is going on whereas everyone outside the world has their panties in a bunch). and so the cut off date is june. so we're on a tight course of action to get me to south east asia before june...and he usually gets my aunt on the phone at the same time. to which the conversation ends...
..."btw did u hear about boston? it's crazy"

tomato chicken soup, turkey avocado club, bebek bubur, 酸菜豬肚湯,紅燒排骨,河粉湯,菜脯蛋,XO醬炒絲瓜, panzenella salad
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