my sunday routines in korea were always 쌀국수 and then 찜질방. koreans looove 쌀국수. it's essentially another variation of 설렁탕. their broth is a bit sweeter than the traditional version and there's no cilantro to be found. more often than not, a korean person will adamantly hate cilantro. my colleagues, my clients, my friends...all defiantly opposed to 香菜。 regardless of it's authenticity, a korean pho is tasty. it's a clean light bowl of noodle soup that does help with the head pains. with that said...i never go to the pho32 franchise because if i want pho, im going to a vietnamese joint. if i'm in ktown, im not going to eat pho, im going to eat korean food. pretty simple mathematics. HOWEVER, i have been enlightened by the 쌈 at pho32. the viet/korean fusion of do it yourself spring rolls is absolutely delicious. the rice paper and bbq pork and the vege platter spread is enough of a sensory overload and when you add your condiments accordingly, it's a burst of vietnamese freshness alongside the strong flavors of korean bbq and then you personally adjust the chili sauce to your's awesome! DIY dining to some extent also gives good intake pacing. talk eat roll, roll eat talk. tho, we did find a way to over eat anyways considering everyone ordered pho as well, not knowing the portions of the 쌈.
i didn't even take a picture of it, since i didn't know what i was in store for.

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