not yet 12 hours removed from hanging out with kelly and victor, i get a text from minam. and before i could put on my face, he had already buzzed the door. boisterously entering the room with his minam face and his minam suit. except this time, he had on a fiery red tie while holding a leather folder. why the gaudy red tie i have no idea. knowing him, he probably thinks it embodies power and confidence. yea it does...but only if u're the president of the united states. hahaha. to me, he looked more like a 목사님. no matter, hugs all around, good to see you buddy. now let me show you a video. but before i showed him a video. he tiled his face as the computer desktop. lovely.
and that started the day. 아니아니아니아니야...was the response for everything. "you're korean. its not a thing anymore. you introduce korean things to me". what we went through most of the afternoon at sanctuary T and a green tea margarita was a wedding in which numerous storylines will present itself to mister minam. of which the best line was "hey...are there are going to be single girls at your wedding?" to which the response was his ex...HAHAHA. we would've continued to spend the entire afternoon talking about his exs as chomo prefaced his arrival by texting me "hold that conversation, we need to continue this when i get there"...if jfung hadn't graced us with her presence. to then be followed up by dan cho not drinking any alcohol because he was meeting adam for the knicks game. so i turned up the heat..."it's the last game of the season...why would you go watch the B team the whole night."
2 hours later, i find myself at the game with him. "adam is stuck at the game." and to kick things off...he got me a foam finger. the finger is awesome. i've been joking about foam fingers since the annie min days. and pictures and posing ensued. apparently this kind of shenanigans is appealing at games. because the peruvian girl next to me basically stored her number in my phone. "can you text me those pictures you're taking of the game?'s my number" was fun to see the knicks scrubs play atlanta...even more hilarious. haha.
so we left with 9 minutes left in the fourth to stop by and see sunny at arang. a jogaetang and a soju later...we convinced sunny's friends to come with us to nrb. one gay korean fashion guy. and one well kempt cougar that worked for the gay guy. so we sang. and we drank beers. we took 러브샷's. we sang more songs. and somehow the cougar got intense in the corner. while gay fashion guy started singing songs alone in the front. that is until frank came by. frank started singing his dainty pop songs....while gay guy honed in and harmonized behind him trying to interlock fingers. what a site. hahaha.
that was about all we could take. frank and i walked home. down 5th ave hitting on 2 college freshmen girls on their way to 230 fifth. that didnt work out so well so we went home. drank another beer. rented wreckit ralph on tv. and cooked la myun. that turned into a 매은탕. sriracha. egg. cheese. kimchi. and since i ran out of clothes.....i woke up in a maltese tshirt.
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