this is what a bachelor pad looks like.

"i dont need a medal to be a good guy"
i had a tough time mobilizing all day. so i watched wreckit ralph (cuz i passed out the night before) and ate more noodles before heading downtown to pick up my stuff. i swear i showered in the morning but i just couldn't shake the "frank smell" and when i got to chomo's, i just had to shower again. and even after the 2nd shower, chung said i smelled. no matter, cuz he was forcing drinks down my throat constantly. 5 drinks in 10 minutes. i stayed for an extra 30 minutes and ended up having 10 drinks in an hour. "i felt like a caged beast. u unleashed it" insane. good thing for car service. cuz i finally saw my dad. only to leave before he came home the next day...delinquent son.
thing is. when dad found out i had knicks tickets, he told me not to come home. just to wait another day. thats the way he deals with mom not coming home. and thats probably the same way i deal with the women in my life.

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