i've always known this, but on the record, timmie is the absolute most hospitable host ever. ridiculously, disgustingly, horrendously, meticulously, amazingly hospitable. and that by no means equates to sexual favors of the butt. although if he keeps this up, i just might have to oblige....HAHAHA. it's by ridiculous fluke that i am at his apt, on his macbook, watching his tv, and wearing loaned shorts and tshirt, because after a night of HARDWORK, a night of entertaining women over 50, and a night where i wasn't winging for billiam, my korean facade took a turn for the unfortunate bad luck...so i hopped in a cab, on the way back to sha tin, worried that will wasn't alive, turned around and headed to timmies. and this guy woke me up. so cute.
i've been dying to try this...and it tasted like crud.....i had to spit it out.....pei dan yok
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