posted prior, the big host of dong guan was awesomely hospitable again....but he had some new youth....and the re-addition of the other chen back on his side, back on his team...and this's FOR GOOD....we started off looping around big streets looking for a dirt entrance between buildings. we found what could have been a side street into the basement garage of some big skyscraper. instead, it was a neighboring dirt road that led into the posterior jungle which lay "TU JI MEN". WILD CHICKEN RESTAURANT. u sat in little dingly patchwork wood frame huts, sat on stools, ate local cuisine and drank liquor. larry bought a fake smirnoff....tried to tell me it was cutom to mix it with beer. i made the mistake of calling zhu dong uncle and he called me "peer" all night, that led to "shi shua shua" and the attempt to polish 4 cases of beer.
this lifestyle is killer. how do they do it? c'est la vie. anyways....back to the food. their house special is the wild chicken. and it was just your classic roasted chicken. tasted amazing. none of that grain fed western chicken where the breast is genetically enhanced to be bigger and overall fed to be meatier, this is wild chicken, where the myoglobin runs rampant, the dark meat rules all and it's preferred in this part of the world, a weak looking drumstick. i wanted to take more pictures, but here is the question for all, aren't there times when it is just inappropriate to keep taking pictures of food? how do you guys do it? i snuck some in.
later on that night....i learned a new game. poker with dice. shots intimidatingly lined up. lowest hand drinks until he no longer has the lowest hand. cheerio!
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