As if I haven touted my macbook and imac enough, Ie been overtly trying to convert everyone around me to go mac. Mac geeks unite! A lil army of OSX TIGER users. If my juvenile tactics of persuasion are geeky and not worth mentioning, then I know just the person to turn to for "powers of persuasion 101", dear ole uncle harry, who, planted the seed yesterday. It not the casino royale bond type gps arm injection, but more the total recall big red blip that ah-nold pulls out of his brain via his nasal canal, the kind that you don even know has been in u until u spend a painful hour pulling it out, kind of seed.
By bringing in owen as the 3rd person in the room and tactfully breaking off conversation with me midway to speak to owen about business issues, he "maniacally" stirred neurons of curiosity in me. nod nod, uh huh. whoa whoa,,,,wait?huh???WHOA>nd? Oko then? Ahhhight. HUGE. VERY HUGE. then came the coda - ust think about it?nbsp; all smiles and a wave.
welp. we'll be sortin' some sh*t out shurely-doo style the next week in singapore. lets see whats left on the table.
look who woke me up this morning.

omgod i want one of thossssse!!! (the deg)
yeah i do! tryin to get concert tix on sat! woo!
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