oh wow my legs hurt so much i barely made it down to paragon. u know whats cool? everywhere is bluetooth connected, so ur phone will display ur location, a bit scary if u don't buy into singpore's version of dr. cocto's perfect society ala demolition man (sly/snipes movie). i've gone off on singapores capitalistic socialism every stint i've done here the past 3 years but with the idea of living here looming in the wings, and a great opportunity to steerriikkeee gold - sign me up! from a pure financial standpoint, this country is ridiculous. 40 years to develop into this financial hub? and with a population of just 4.5M, they've only just begun to exponentially grow annually bringing in casinos alongside formula one's first ever night race next year. the urban planning is pretty well done, but i looked at the future plans, and they have the idea of making orchard road completely pedestrian with cars running underground parallel to the subway...man i do think i've caught a huge upswing wave, did i mention being in a shauvanistic part of the world with an overworked pituitary gland makes it all the sweeter? hehehe...speaking of which, i've just downloaded that kardishian-rayJ home video. sue me, i was curious (esp after my cousin kept raving about it). serioulsy, it's NOT FAIR. i don't want to be asian anymore dammnit!
i know i can't mimic an accent (ie ozzie/english cool sounding accent) yet i tend to be quite good at adapting to the bad sounding accents. i know a big chunk of my family is from so. east asia, but with my background on long island, it makes no sense for me to so easily assimilate to singlish...in addition, the more i time i spend in taiwan, i find myself speaking taiwanese slang which is a mixture of pop culture engrish usage alongside my moms personal makeshift chinkonics. then u gotta hear me speak mandarin like canto people....hahaha...thats pretty funny, i have a good time with that one. maybe i'll try to incorporate what it would sound like if hoan was chinese.....uh yea yo....nai ho ma...yea yo...ya zhou love......holduh holduh...ahh yea yea yea....
this blakjack song is on repeat. it gave me that extra blister for running an additional 10 minutes today. thanks fer da jam angy. people keep sending me songs please, i'd do it for u!
mom left for HK today. we seem to be getting along much better as of late. its almost as if im acting as her unofficial manager. i think i made it clear 3 years ago that i wasn't about to be the personal assistant, there's a fine line between being willing to fill out her customs/immigration form as a caring son, and being ordered to do so and blamed for not doing my job as her secretary. the nerve. although on the flip side, will has offered to do all remedial services when i reach stardom as long as i repay him with the noblest of massages. hahaha. anyways. she's booked for 3 huge stadium shows the next few months with the possibility of a houston/vancouver stint in btwn. with the success of the recent live concert dvd recording, and me kicking her in the butt to start thinking about the next album and collabo's with mandarin pop icons, finding a new producer and remixing the old tracks which some of them are starting to really come together, i think this is that time to really capture the opportunity to put that final stamp on her career. real cool stuff mang.
this is damn cool too......xanga/cantonesecooking
steph, i miss u 2!
alex... you post too much all at one time! give people a little breather here and there! lol!
houston? hit me up! and it's good that you're settling in as her unofficial manager and getting along with your mom. it's often a strain to have a working relationship with family, but if you can do it, then by all means... DO IT!
awww..we all miss steph too! yes sir..TLC & toni braxton all of last night...
ooh thanks for the kind works
hi derp
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