entourage - there's probably good reason that i find johnny drama ridiculously hilarious. his embrace of his own narcisism is gut wrenching riot. and i think i've got some satirical johnny drama in me. all my "hot bod", "car denting", "irresistable", "gun show" antiques give 'drama' good competition. there are points in the show, where i've thought, omygod, i've got to try that line out in public [drama pickup line]...keep in mind that i've been reading 'the game' too...haha...viva la vain.
our family is going into round face mode. yay quadruple chin!...triple chin?...maybe not mom, she's singing tonight. sold out show. wish her luck. it's nice to see that she's nervous. makes the superstar, self righteous mom human. she's gonna kick ass.

i just went to try on some summer suits....wut do you guys think about people in light colored summer suits....it looks really cool in the mags...but im thinking only people like brad pitt could pull it off.....light beige? off white ish color? gonna try on some more....and NO LINEN (cuz i dont like wearing underwear)
only guys like brad pitt or guys named jamal jackson can pull it off.
get rid of the porn
Man, that shit is hilarious what you left on my page! Hope you're doing well bro and there will be no more leg spreading! i just thought that any martial art story that includes the Jean Claud Van Bun stuff would make it a litte more interesting hehe. Malibu776 just solve your problem right there buddy...that will free up 69 gigs that was missing! By the way, this may be a stupid question, but do you have more than 2 drives on your comp? Good luck with mommy, i know she'll rock...can she do 2 live crew request?
yup...stood in front of the mirror and hands were itchy. so i scratched my itching with a scissor on my hair =D
shouldve gotten the radio shack deal. 70 bucks 160 gigs.
triple chin? hahaha
u would look hot in a yellow suit! but then again ur hot in everything:)
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