If people who haven been to China can confidently shriek Chinese stereotypes on accurate whim, imagine the comic relief they be able to pull off if they took a trip out there. (Chinese haircuts, Chinese spitting on street, Chinese in pajamas at the mall, Chinese and toothpicks ?durtee china).
"there something about will this time around, he looks a little different" ?mom.
"HE TURNED CHINA!!!" and hel be the first one to admit it, almost confusingly proud.
"On hot days at the office, Ie found myself knowingly rolling up my pant leg, [unevenly cuffing them at mid calf, exposing the unhealthiest looking measly off-white stork leg which contrasts the white sock black shoe combination] and going into a [missing vertebrae] slouch position." ?lee wei ning AH.
When it gets hot, Chinese people will un-tuck their [10 for $10] dress shirt and pull the tails of the shirt upwards drawing the kin/shirt?line right above the areola, then in order to maintain this 36th parallel, dexterously clamping down both stained armpits to hold this new mesmerizing technique of staying cool. You can only imagine what the exposed underbelly looks like not to mention the extreme comfort these people exude when in their new outfit. Theyl walk around slapping their bellys, squishing the fat around the love handles, examining their belly buttons, run fingers through the happy trail all in some public setting absolutely ruining any scenic landscape. LIKE IN MACAU! Just as we pulled up at the Sands, I saw a guy walking around the front valet area doing just this. Will said he gonna have to do this right behind some couple trying to take a picture, adding the Chinese flare of authenticity. Hilarious.
We gambled. I gamble like a owboy?[said with a bruce lee accent]. Will gambles like a responsible father. Regardless it effin?hard to get a drink at the table and the only scantily clad anything would be over heated china men. By the time we go to tryst, it was closed. So what were we doing the rest of the night?
EATING. No commentary, just know it delicious and I definitely going to make some of these when I come back.
meal 1. 5pm
meal 2. 11pm
Katsu cordon bleu, garlic stuffing
Belachan and pork fat.
Im gonna put my cousin benny curry in one of these when im home. Bread bowl has taken on a whole new meaning.
grilled shrimp and cheese.
COOOLEST dish of the night. Perfect drinking accoutrement. Fish skin
with jellyfish cashews cilantro etc?.im not sure what flavors they use
to dress this but it comes with a side dish of wasabi oil. YUMM-O THAT
the owner.....g-unit
and he's got this on his wall....hehehehe. i'm thinking of making this my wallpaper.
meal 3. 2am.
Noodles were pretty good should have seen this plate on the way up. I thought I was good at throwing upill apparently is amazing at pulling the trigger.
Frog and crab. It not just the flavor of the congee that was playfully intense, its that the congee was cooked to a perfect bland viscosity with no hint of a burn flavor, enough glutton in the water where it wasn too watery between grains and not to thick where it would glop and congest the flavors in the bowl.
meal 4. dim sum the next day. 2 cool combinations. roast pork and enoki mushrooms and a bean curd napolean.
shi wei ni, and lee wei ning.
Derek must be proud of Will for sporting Parkway South on the other side of the globe.
dang! the food looks fantastic over there!
what's the wallpaper say?
the food looks delish.
oh fuck i am hungry.
share the food. stop being so greedy.
why does will always have that shirt on.....
HAHA! after spending the summer abroad in shanghai, i totally get the whole spitting and pajamas and rolled over shirts thing. so hilarious.
I love it.
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