It not just me with the raging libido. The older, taken, married; divorced women are most definitely raging too. It really the only conversation to have post dim sum with grace. It the only conversation to have when staring at insanely hot models doing a bikini runway show for biza night?@ mint. I talked to Aki for only a short while before moving onto the topic of ex who are models, and how they suck because of how the vanity consumes their life. I chijmed in on the suckyness of it all, but therein lies the irony. I got three calls to do some commercials since being back. And I quote, he Korean look is in?
Decisions decisions. I in Singapore until Thursday. Find me @ the Cuscaden gym/pool.
**edit** an hour in singapore and im set. everything is figured out over kangkong (dont know where the pic went), poh piah and kuey teow. will post details later.
Travelers checks are a retarded way to travel.
jjanks you're gonna be famous?!?!??! I can see it now...all the glitterati!!! =)Anyway, i'm in Corea right now and traveler's checks are the BEST way to go here. The exchange rate is higher for traveler's checks than it is for the dolla. Just thought i'd letcha know. peas&luv
yes, unfortunately. that's why i always get in trouble from my friends. like peas above. OMG KARLEEEEN YOU ARE SOOOOO UNLADYLIKE!! GUHROSSS!!!! and along those lines. of course i always reply with my famous lightening ninja speed backhand, but she's used to those. don't even faze her now.
thats hot.i wanna see your commercials!
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