yep, i'm doing the reverse commute. all in the name of love and whiskey. bar code held my number of jealousy last night of which i am still wallowed in embarrassment. anyways, todays trek for food had me finally try the 君悅排骨. get the pork cutlet, much better than the fried chicken. it wasn't "bad" but definitely not up to all the HYPE and FUSS about the "taiwanese lunch box". so here comes the verdict, my favorite word, overrated.

That looks yum. Possibly bc I'm hung over. The quote is from Eat, Pray, Love by Melissa Gilbert. You might enjoy the book if you're into spirituality and such.
Haha, I tried a Taiwanese lunch box when I went to Taiwan over the summer. My parents were telling me about how famous it is and whatever. Nothing special though. Not great, but not bad. =D But now I'm craving it, haha. College food sucks.
is it really that special? oO
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