moving on, i had a crap day today. a severe emotional hangover from saturday's phone call from superstar mom. there's no hiding my boils of bitterness, and it's to the cycle point now where i think, at this moment, it's my fault. my patience has redlined and the fumes emanating out of my orafices gives al gore's global warming campaign something new to think about. what to do though! as with most people, i need time to get over quarrels of affliction, but before the wound can close, it's reopened again. think gang green. and what do you do when gang green gets really bad? u amputate it. again, im convinced im not using this as a crutch, as my career seems to be forming shape on all fronts this should naturally recede any more forward bulges of parental attacks but the accepted paradox of the world is that this in no way yields the enemy. it just re-diverts their energy to find new modes of instigation. fight ludicrous with lunacy. amputate it.
spizza was good. didn't help the headache though.
the one good thing about lots of coffee is that lethargy takes a back
seat, which i really don't mind. so be on the look out for a white
tshirt and swim trunks running amuck on the streets of singapore
morning and night. and no, im not drunk, i've been jogging! my
signature all-or-nothing parabolic lifestyle curve is climbing that
y-axis of fitness once again. and while i find time to exercise btween
the gaps of 9pm and 7am, i somehow am having trouble finding a window
to head out and get food. by the time i was ready to scramble for
food, torrential downpour graced the island of mr lee kwan yew. and by
the time i finished off what was left in my fridge (lettuce, tomatos,
peanuts), the rain had stopped. now im just looking for a buddy to
share a beer or a bottle. i have none. waaah.
tonights agenda
might need to be capped off with a nyquil if the hunger doesn't allow
me to sleep. with no tv and only a laptop and electric guitar with no
amp to keep hunger from taking priority over my mind, i just stood in
front of the mirror checking myself out playing guitar. the rockstar
pose is very important.
i might be joining you overseas one day!
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