3.5 hours of hot pot in bugis @ happy pay steam boat and chef in singapore heat was not a bad meal (good soup stock, decently clean, fresh meat/seafood). caught up with the buddies that make singapore feel more intimate despite our different backgrounds and accents. not to mention that with big boss jae at the helm holding the amicable chemistry together with his own concoction of vulgar ah-beng profanities, we all respectively feel even more at home. and as hard as it may be to overshadow the stature of a man like mr jae confuse-use lee, the spotlight tonight wasn't on him, rather it was on sabrina. congratulations sabrina!!!!! yee haw!!!
since i've been in singapore, all i've heard from jae and irene were stories about sabrina the party animal. when caught between the 3 college mates and the reminiscent anecdotes of drunken nostalgia, i found it incredibly odd for sabrina, the chronically cocktail dress donned, pearl necklaced accessorized, prissy girl to fit into this mesh of debaucherous fervor and sexually aggressive brand of triumverate humor. and with tonights gathering the celebration of her newly titled SINGLE status, the true colors of this "ah-beng" loving "spg" came out with flying panache. the laugh may have stayed girly, but the jokes that derived the laughter rivaled howard sterns satellite radio broadcasts...and with prying and devilish undertones by yours truly, i was in mid season form, twisting and turning all words, lines, statements and questions into a self inflective psycho therapeutic hot pot session boasting my alterior motives of pimpin out the newly single chick for my buddy, the model. hey model, hey sabrina, i know u guys are both reading this, GO TO BALI AND ELOPE, DO IT!!!!! (the upside is, he doesn't have a gf of 3 years nor does he work in your company) kekeke.
i mean...."how bad could it really be?" (however, when it's that bad, jae reccommends bittergourd)
i've never talked about kira even though i've met him about 2 months ago...he just doens't talk much, doesn't eat much, and even though i hear the drinks beer like a madman, i guess i've alwasy been too hammered to remember his quick beer consumption. but being under the radar doesn't mean u go unnoticed. i think he might be the only guy who could get away with this hair....
i know you readers don't get a kick out of all these jae pictures as much as me and a select few, but seriously, try to really embrace the south east asian flare of the hokkien beng. the pimp of the durty south east asia. the loan shark of the straits. the man purse, the white/orange framed specs, the faded polo, the shorts, the thong flip flops, all put together under the motto "i don't care, it's not like i'm ever going to see them again..." and the genetic makeup of probably one of the most genuine people i know.....
y i don't have more pics of irene, im not sure, i think im too scared she'll yell at me. she upgraded me from rabbit to goat tonight.
alvin thinks singledom will last 1 week tops. i agree.
The guy with the bowl cut makes cool faces.
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