i'm tired but not as tired as i should be on 4 hours sleep. i had a good day. an exciting day. there are those memorable moments in ur life where u'll remember forever, like the first time u had sex, the time u yakked on ur friends wife, the time u got arrested for shooting paintballs at little children, the time ur mom disowned u....u know those instances where reminiscing can make u smell the scent of "whoa" through nostalgia. today, i literally choked on "whoa". i climbed down into a chemical tankers tank. just imagine the unleaded gas station scent multiplied by 100. the euphoria of petrochemicals may have taken down king kong, but KING KONG, AIN'T GOT NOTHIN' ON ME! fo' rizzizzaiiille! (guess that movie). finally we got on board a newer, cleaner ship where inspection took less than 2 hours. i wouldn't say my sea legs are getting better but im getting used to weaving around pipes, climbing up and and down narrow steps, avoiding puddles of grease, avoiding spilled paint and avoiding banging my head against door hinges.
on my walk home from dempsey road, i thought "my throat feels a bit hoarse, is it cuz i just talked for 30 minutes straight with jenn and farida? oh wait, no it's cuz i was screaming my lungs out at karaoke just 20 hours prior"...this week just hasn't stopped...and to think, the weekend has the possibility of getting even nuttier. bar code in 24 hours. "i want to get LOST in us"
you're ridiculous !
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