my sister messaged me today. "i'm freezing in taipei. and it's 20C. it's too hot for a sweater and it's too cold for a tanktop and a shirt" i remember my first winter in taipei. indeed freezing. anywhere from 9-15C would be so uncomfortable. taiwan is just so humid, a new yorker is not used to that wet cold that sinks down deep into your bones, your joints. very tough to deal with. it becomes a slithery uneasy feeling on your skin if you don't live in a very modern updated expensive home.
then there's "cold" in korea. dry cold. but freaking cold. its' 5C which is still bearable. but i know the weather is just going to become miserable by the end of the week. which only means continued hibernation, increased carbohydrate intake and thank goodness for heated floors. when it hits 0C and snow's threatening, i'll rant again. in the meantime, its time to study...
thats about as "active korean as you can get. 라면 & 소주.

라면 makes you fat. "not if that's the only thing you eat all day"
"When it comes to controlling weight, it's all in the calorie math," says Dr Brill. "Eat fewer calories and burn more calories through daily exercise and you have the secret to lifelong weight control," advises Dr. Brill. Keep in mind that the key to successful weight loss when cutting calories is to take a sensible approach and not consume too few. Over-restricting calories can set you up for binge eating, slows down your metabolism, and can cause nutrient deficiencies in the long run.
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