In 2007, the Women’s Federation defined “leftover” women(sheng nu ) as unmarried women over the age of 27 and China’s Ministry of Education added the term to its official lexicon. Since then, the Women’s Federation Web site has run articles stigmatizing educated women who are still single.
Take this uplifting column from March 2011 that ran just after International Women’s Day:
Pretty girls don’t need a lot of education to marry into a rich and powerful family, but girls with an average or ugly appearance will find it difficult. These kinds of girls hope to further their education in order to increase their competitiveness. The tragedy is, they don’t realize that as women age, they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their M.A. or Ph.D., they are already old, like yellowed pearls.
After knocking some good sense into those misguided women who pursue a higher education, the column accuses educated, single women of sleeping around and having degenerate morals:
Many highly educated “leftover women” are very progressive in their thinking and enjoy going to nightclubs to search for a one-night stand, or they become the mistress of a high official or rich man. It is only when they have lost their youth and are kicked out by the man, that they decide to look for a life partner. Therefore, most “leftover women” do not deserve our sympathy.
this is reality. not because of the women, but a reality from the perspective of a man in asia.

kim decided to skip the nike run and have dinner at grandmas. instead of me cooking, she decided to take over. 動作很粗魯。 加點醬油。。。家太多。 加米酒。。。家太多。。。and the list goes on. kim...stop being scared of the pot like a 12 year old and cook normally. use some common sense and taste your dish. too salty, too sweet, too heavy for grandma.
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