heated floors is not the answer. "u need roots." -ekhym. having no attachment to anything isn't a lifestyle. and how many visitors can one person have? apparently a lot. eshi and yoolim came to visit. during the heydey of everyones bachelordom, ed was the prime wingman always around, always drinking and always having his way with some new woman. but now it's all over. he's met yoolim, who i like very very much. (we had this conversation about the asian perspective, and she was able to at least hold a conversation based on perspective rather than on disliking a certain crude topic of sex...smart, rational and well, good for ed). ed, hadn't been to korea since he was 9. yoolim, who comes back every few years or so is confined to doing mostly family time. so who else to take them out to the "best meal in korea" and show them what the night life is like. me, the chinese guy (their wedding fotographer). kkk.


yoolims first 생낙지.

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