the people you associate yourself with. are definitely a reflection upon yourself. and the longer i stay in asia, i find certain apathy towards asian behavior, a general acceptance of how things are, until you give it some thought and then...realize, that line has to be drawn somewhere. cuz, those stories are....if not unacceptable because the girl somehow become consensual...then it's something that i really don't want to be a part of. and so it starts with..."my gf is away on a trip so i am free. do you like korean girls? i don't care about face. i like thin legs. it shows the girls work out. and let me tell you a story. it gets absolutely ridiculous...i used to live in yeoyido. there are a lot of studio office-tels for young professionals working in the finance district. i would come home on a friday. work out and sleep early only to wake up at 4am, go downstairs for a cigarette and run into drunk girls coming home in the taxi's and then i would approach them. there was one that was so drunk, i paid for her taxi and took her back to my place. i even asked her for cab money back, and smashed her again the next morning. she liked it. she bought me breakfast for taking care of her." and it continues..."i've stopped by octagon at 3am. and while the girls getting into the taxi...i'll just put my arm around her like im her friend. i've been asked the next morning 'do i know you?' "...

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