chinese immigrants hold onto their cultural heritage a lot tighter than people in the motherland. an immigrant feels he's different every moment as a minority and for a wedding like my cousins, they seemed to do all these very very traditional and elaborate rituals that i hadn't ever had seen, been a part of in taiwan or hong kong. this is the same argument i used a few years ago in saying immigrant parents are much stricter and beat their kids much harder than parents that have evolved with the homeland. tho i'll have to save that conversation for another day. erwin got married again. the last of auntie ennie's 3 sons. and of course, our whole family flew out for it again. with our families global distance, we need these excuses to get together. this wedding went accordingly. families were a right fit. no one made any comments. we were all seasoned in the process and the responsibilities. and so that's why with them getting hitched as an expected right thing to do. the focus shifted on us. kim and i. both 30+ and both single. we'll get to that in later posts.
picking up the bride from her house. coming back home. then the tea ceremony. and the red pocket stuffing in pockets. family pictures. and then a break until the reception. at the bca building. their building. a corporate building lobby turned into a place of wedding just for one night. where are you staying? oh, right, the family hotel. and it went on and on and on and on. that's jakarta. a 3rd world country currently in an economic boom where the chinese have reaped rewards from being the hard working entrepreneurs at the forefront. and so how to assimilate in the country other than learning the language? have an indonesian style wedding. 1000 guests. (that's small). people get offended if you don't invite them...

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