unleashed kim at the pluit bhasa

kim spent 10 days straight with me. and on the 11th day. she went caputz. stayed in the room. didn't want to be bothered. went to sleep. and got cranky. it was a good effort i'll give her that much credit. the sunday before we flew out to hk. we got up early. and had leftover pisang goreng and coffee for breakfast. my uncle showed up. and we waited for the driver to take us to the mall for light shopping, a visit to the pharmacy to fix my ailing toe and a foot massage. by now, i know jakarta better than he. i couldn't even believe he had never been to akang kiew tiaw in pluit before? and so the three of us went. ordered everything on the menu. literally. and got a lecture. hilarious.
this is the email i wrote to my mom about it...
我问英平叔叔他有没有一些道理能跟嘉嘉说说。 讲讲他的经验。 看他觉得哪方面讲给kim听比较好。
1。 good person
2. Education
3. 身体健康
今晚我跟kim去kiewtiaw akang吃炒粿条。 我们不但吃到很丰富的一餐也学到了人生的一些知识。
今晚professor budiman 陈英平叔叔说 “人之初。。。性本贪”
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