the calm of airport lounges...(allows you to reflect on the following or hallucinate like u're talking to a bear...)
on this current pace of weddings, hopefully i'll have diamond by april. and hopefully i'll at least get to wait on a shorter line since the marco polo line seems longer than the economy line. and i'll be flying economy cuz who the heck can afford to constantly fly back to all these weddings? i can't even count the number of times i've been in weddings now. shouldn't you only be a best man once? shouldn't you only be a part of wedding only a handful of times in a lifetime? now that i have reverend under my belt the wedding involvement has only tri folded. i can sense the seriousness in my moms voice when she asks "ARE YOU IN THE WEDDING AGAIN?...DON'T DO IT. YOU'LL NEVER GET MARRIED"...i can hear my dad's most recent talk with me..."u can't possibly attend every single wedding"...i can sense my real close close friends thinking they don't want me in their weddings anymore cuz i'm in too many...i can feel the button of my tuxedo getting tighter and tighter from open bar and wedding cake...i just have too many friends. it's a bad thing...u gotta be able to find that perspective with me...

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