my parents are waiting for me to get married and have kids, instead im borrowing tanto's and ike's two boys whom im developing an insane relationship. i am panda po. and they are kids. my cousins are now all married so my single life is of even more importance to them. so here's the advice for the day..."eat this and it'll help your relationship move along. i ate 3" - melati

and of course after eating this. they moved onto how to help this whole thing along. (lyna also being very involved in the process). ”豪, 你今天有沒有看到喜歡的? 可惜你沒有跟我們對面鄰居。。。你就輕鬆了“ - uncle sutedja. and since the number of years living away from the US and it's idea of "love" has increased, im definitely more susceptible to compromising. in that sense, a somewhat arranged date. that kind of turned into 3 nights in a row.

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