i sweat a lot. and so if im going to trek somewhere to work out. i better be able to shower and have a change of clothes ready. otherwise, it's a tough ride back for the people around me. 那是水還是汗?
there's specific elitism everywhere you go. u can see it in peoples diction. you can learn about it through their history. hongkies never spoke mandarin before cuz english rule made them superior. (now they need china business) 台灣外省人不會講台語. because they felt superior to the locals. (until ex president chen came along and distinguished twnese culture and a strong independent political party). i can feel it as i notice specific areas of my language deficiencies. 。 there's a very black and white formula as to what is good and what is bad in asia. it's the 教育方式。 in the US, good and bad kids go out and party. in Asia, good kids don't go out. and so my mom never went out. she studied confusious and didn't read comics. so i went to get 鹵味。。。thought...what the heck is a 丐幫鹵味??
i like what the technology has done to the world. i like how it's broken these barriers of good and bad. it keeps the focus at good hearts and not petty outdated eliticism.
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