the other day i went to watch life of pi. i knew what i was getting myself into. ang lee loves 風景。 he's known for great cinematography of landscapes. and that's exactly what life of pi was. i saw the 3d version of brilliant colors, grandiose backdrops, contrasting wildlife all accompanied with just a riveting a soundtrack. his story lines always delve into primal human emotion, in this case the idea of faith (life and death). It twisted my mind for a good 45 minutes...before my mind wandered into flashbacks of tom hanks in cast away. how much scenery can one enjoy? apparently the taiwanese can enjoy it all the time.
like a 老人, i've been venturing into the parks, and reservoirs in the mornings to enjoy daytime fresh air. today's venture was 陽明山。 seriously, what's the chinese obsession with 樱花?? they'll stop at intersections for a cherry blossom to take pictures. they'll go up the mountain alone to take pictures. they'll buy a dslr camera just for pictures of the cherry blossom. koreans love the sakura too. and after some wiki'ing, it's all because of the japanese. very impressive. japan's imperialism is most evident by the general asian love for the sakura.
and while the locals took pics of the 樱花。 i took pics of them taking pics of the 樱花。 that stuff is funny to me. and after a day of sakura'ing, coffee shop'ing, stopping by roadside to buy snacks....steve and i is basically 約會行程。 now we just gotta 大腿摸一摸, 路邊買的饅頭喂一喂。石林夜市逛逛。 再去休息。 hahhah....(it's good recon)

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