last week i went up yang ming mountain and did some recon for future dates. yesterday, i used up my recon on my grandma and my aunt. the weather was muggy, we didn't make it up there until the sun was setting。 Regardless, cafe 19 was a nice quaint place to order some coffee and some snacks. while rest of them went around taking pictures, grandma and i sat alone chatting.
"婆婆。 你看起來有心事。。。“
long story short...the reply was ”。。。他為什麼不了解我“
that comment made me laugh. cuz i laugh at these things. it's an ironic statement. probably a bad time to laugh when people are pouring their hearts out, (a big problem of mine). but that's my version of coping with things, my version of listening, and unfortunately, it sometimes rears itself when more sensitive people are around. anyways, every family has their own issues, we have ours and grandma's rant finally exposed the elephant in the room. that's a big deal for chinese people. an even bigger deal for elder chinese people. and even bigger bigger deal for my grandma.
i don't get involved in these issues. so i just passed along that one line to my mom "你不了解我“ not for my grandma's purpose, but as a indirect poke from myself to my mom. same family, same personality. ironic. hilarious. (at least i think so. 哈哈哈)

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