my cousin and my sister are the same people. they're both unorganized. not a lot of forward thinking. consequential thinking. anxious. panicky. and easily stressed. and both will defiantly disagree at all those points. which makes them all the more similar. and as i am a more rational conversationalist, i feel like a consultant.
you're the wolf from pulp fiction. my cousin needed to pack. and it takes him hours to stress and pack for a 3 day trip. his arrangements to the airport somehow always run late and he's always losing things. and if i didn't streamline his packing in 30 minutes, we would not have been able to hang out for the rest of the night. my sis, for a one day trip spent an hour packing. ended up taking a bag of goodies only to return at night without even staying over.

packing is only the tip of the iceberg. this anxious, stressed persona flows through many other aspects in life. and convolutes itself into self confidence, business attitude and personal family relationships. i have my own flaws obviously, but i feel as though i have friends to have conversations about such topics where the cause and effects of each issue are carefully laid out, with each choose your own adventure also analyzed. this makes personal choice much more prepared. but for both my cousin and my sister, i feel unfortunate that they don't have many to talk about such issues that thoroughly. everyone needs a sounding board.
my aunt sees this first hand and definitely uses it to buffer her relationship with her son, my cousin. put the emotions aside. i cater to his ego. i cater to his emotions. and i know his background. and because it's a personal relationship, i do not overstep my grounds to overrule his views on his strengths and his business. whereas, we just talk about life related to his business as a whole. and by conversation, i learn about his business only to question it out of curiosity. this in turn forces him to speak more clearly about what he's doing. hopefully achieving more clarity in the incomprehensible context of his explanation. "ooops you're right". he's also got to leave his bitterness about the past and emotions at the door. pissing people off socially is one thing. in a business context? godspeed.
then there's the issue of self confidence...i don't know why people are always so focused as to how their college major dictates their skill set and expertise in life. and not only do they shy away from anything other than their major, they relegate into a role of completely not knowing. not applying any sense to the practical aspect of business and life. yes, schooling arguably helps, but it doesn't mean that you can't do it without it. so please, apply ur industry to mine and leave the not so smart questions at home.
"you buy fake lashes in taiwan for 100 NT. and how much do you sell them in the states to your customers and your friends? factor in profit, travel i do the same with oil. i buy oil in asia, and sell it to the states. i just ship it differently. u have your expertise in your business, and i have mine, but the basics, they are the same?"

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