”when are you moving back to tw? i know you want to move back.“ - kenny young
there's no money in tw. i can't move back. it probably seems like i want to move back. i probably do want to move back esp now that i'm so much more appreciative (since living in korea) of the comfortable lifestyle, the friendly people, the language ease, the variety of foods that taiwan has to offer. there's just no money in taiwan. there's just no industry to be making money in taiwan. there's just no future for someone like me. there's no injection of foreign money. there's no opportunity for foreign labor.
"機場捷運快建好了。。。but its financed all domestically. no foreign debt." - but today's global economy, debt is just a number. u just need to balance your books. and in fact, you want foreign money to come in to pump into your economy so there's more cashflow domestically. instead of just owing each other and letting the country wallow in its own lack of cash flow. gah.
W hotel. last sunday pool party of the summer.

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