bc of her ocd, louisa is probably the worst cook i've ever seen. worse than my sister. any notion to cook anything more than boiling water is overridden by an obsessive need to keep the kitchen clean. her mom knows this about her, and oddly enough sends her cans of abalone and other random assortments of non-beginner chefs ingredients for her studio. as you can imagine, her kitchen is bare-boned with random items that i've somehow managed to use up and create not just edible, but quite delicious items. macguyver cooking. i turned cans of abalone, 烏魚子,shallots, salt, soy, pesto, gnocchi, into...1. abalone porridge 2. pesto abalone pasta 3. scallion wu yu zi pancake 3. seafood chow mein.
cooking has a rational methodology. learn the basics and its easy to apply and it's even easier to substitute (ethnic) ingredients. if you're a basic thinker, apply the basics and it's easy to plan out a full meal in it's most optimized timing. then the rest is practice and trial and error. and recently, i've spent hours watching and reading on michelin star style cooking. i think i'll start making more of an effort to move past rustic and macguyver family style meals, but rather pay more attention to detail and a more delicate approach to cooking.
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