my cousin and my sister are the same people.  they're both unorganized.  not a lot of forward thinking.  consequential thinking.  anxious.  panicky.  and easily stressed.  and both will defiantly disagree at all those points.  which makes them all the more similar.  and as i am a more rational conversationalist, i feel like a consultant.  
you're the wolf from pulp fiction.  my cousin needed to pack.  and it takes him hours to stress and pack for a 3 day trip.  his arrangements to the airport somehow always run late and he's always losing things.  and if i didn't streamline his packing in 30 minutes, we would not have been able to hang out for the rest of the night.  my sis, for a one day trip spent an hour packing.  ended up taking a bag of goodies only to return at night without even staying over.  
packing is only the tip of the iceberg.  this anxious, stressed persona flows through many other aspects in life.  and convolutes itself into self confidence, business attitude and personal family relationships.  i have my own flaws obviously, but i feel as though i have friends to have conversations about such topics where the cause and effects of each issue are carefully laid out, with each choose your own adventure also analyzed.  this makes personal choice much more prepared.  but for both my cousin and my sister, i feel unfortunate that they don't have many to talk about such issues that thoroughly.  everyone needs a sounding board.
my aunt sees this first hand and definitely uses it to buffer her relationship with her son, my cousin.  put the emotions aside.  i cater to his ego.  i cater to his emotions.  and i know his background.  and because it's a personal relationship, i do not overstep my grounds to overrule his views on his strengths and his business.   whereas, we just talk about life related to his business as a whole.  and by conversation, i learn about his business only to question it out of curiosity.  this in turn forces him to speak more clearly about what he's doing.  hopefully achieving more clarity in the incomprehensible context of his explanation.  "ooops you're right".  he's also got to leave his bitterness about the past and emotions at the door.  pissing people off socially is one thing.  in a business context?  godspeed.
then there's the issue of self confidence...i don't know why people are always so focused as to how their college major dictates their skill set and expertise in life.  and not only do they shy away from anything other than their major, they relegate into a role of completely not knowing.  not applying any sense to the practical aspect of business and life.  yes, schooling arguably helps, but it doesn't mean that you can't do it without it.   so please, apply ur industry to mine and leave the not so smart questions at home.  
"you buy fake lashes in taiwan for 100 NT.  and how much do you sell them in the states to your customers and your friends? factor in profit, travel i do the same with oil.  i buy oil in asia, and sell it to the states.  i just ship it differently.  u have your expertise in your business, and i have mine, but the basics, they are the same?"


whats the best way to detox on a sunday?  a full day at the hyatt spa and then this...
金峰滷肉飯 has 21k + checkins....

halloween isn't an asian holiday.  so when asians try to emulate this holiday abroad.  they don't know any history about the holiday, they don't know anything about pumpkins...any folk lore and fairy tales.  they just know it's a night to dress up and wear costumes.  so when i come up with a play on words, even in chinese, they have no clue how to wrap their heads around it.  the worst is when people don't get the costume after you explain it to them.  GAH.

recently, it's not only that i've had trouble sleeping, had trouble waking up.  it's that i don't want to wake up.  it's not only that i don't want to wake up.  it's that i want to stay in my dream.  (ironically enough, i had a very vivid dream about being in a plane that crashed into shallow clear waters upside down right before reaching south africa.)   and two nights ago, i had another vivid dream about attending a football game, entering the stadium through a circus ride gauntlet single file.   some in mine car rails...some in a slaughter house single file.  steam arbitrarily spitting from the bottom killing randoms,  while VIPs were safely filtered to the box suites.  with an insider tip,  we left and hid out in a back office and as the stadiums inaugural torch was lit, so did the 2nd tier bleacher explode....igniting the domino combustion physics of explosions....and so why would i want to be stuck in this reality?  maybe cuz i know it's not reality?  and when the aches of dreams are realized.  then the reality of present is then harder to cope with....
i've been sick.  i don't know what it is.  it goes without saying that i've been drinking too much.  again maybe to cope with the above.  (i concur - a lame excuse).  i have this pain in my left side.   below the ribs but above the intestine.  not perfectly lateral, but seemingly on the edge of being the abdomen.  liver on right side.  kidney's in the back.  spleen on the left.  what the heck is this sharp pain that causes pain for me to cough, for me to get up, for me to move, and for me to essentially walk at anything faster than tortoise speed.  and why do i not want to go to the doctor?   

bc of her ocd, louisa is probably the worst cook i've ever seen.  worse than my sister.  any notion to cook anything more than boiling water is overridden by an obsessive need to keep the kitchen clean.  her mom knows this about her, and oddly enough sends her cans of abalone and other random assortments of non-beginner chefs ingredients for her studio.  as you can imagine, her kitchen is bare-boned with random items that i've somehow managed to use up and create not just edible, but quite delicious items.  macguyver cooking.  i turned cans of abalone, 烏魚子,shallots, salt, soy, pesto, gnocchi, into...1. abalone porridge 2. pesto abalone pasta 3. scallion wu yu zi pancake 3. seafood chow mein.
cooking has a rational methodology.  learn the basics and its easy to apply and it's even easier to substitute (ethnic) ingredients.  if you're a basic thinker, apply the basics and it's easy to plan out a full meal in it's most optimized timing.  then the rest is practice and trial and error.  and recently, i've spent hours watching and reading on michelin star style cooking.  i think i'll start making more of an effort to move past rustic and macguyver family style meals, but rather pay more attention to detail and a more delicate approach to cooking.

andy lin, the gm of yotai department store in ilan...invited us to a private dining lounge for an ilan, his hometown, meal.  traditional taiwanese dishes, and many which i've never had before.  specific to ilan region.  i'll have to visit next time.  his wife was away so he intended on partying for the weekend and called upon wendy and her friends, alongside his other buddy the FHM owner.  between their back and forth friendship since college banter, and our injection of friendly alcoholism...this card game of 大小。。。caused 2 bottles of whiskey to be finished in 45 minutes.  

how did mike tsai end up in korea when everyone else was there?  and how did i run into him again in taiwan with jilly?  man, i haven't seen jilly in forever.  and to think that i was with dora the day she left for the hospital.  all those afternoons sleeping on the floor hungover while jilly slept next to me in her crib.  i miss her.  and with a blink of an eye, she's a real person now.  amazing.

and that's where i met sam.  the straight real estate agent who is way to overly friendly with other males, or he's just overly hospitable...that story will come at a later time...and again that night...two 20 year olds...eating up my crap of BS at the bar alongside 2 bottles of whiskey.  until i found something better. "cloud" hahaha.


CYCLO - spam spring roll...pretty legit pho and the owner is friends with SKP.  Pho is craved when in the states.  In Tw...never.  which reminded me that i never liked pho until sometime after college.  maybe pho was one of those "nurture" likes...

after korea, i took a break from victor only to see him again in taiwan a week later.  while he continued to power through drinking, i was completely useless by the time he arrived causing a continuous raucous of peer pressure, complaints and on my end, strategic exits.  in hindsight, brilliant.  
1. i don't feel well
2. i don't want to drink gaoliang out of a fiji water bottle
3. to wake up not hungover was a good choice.
4. another night of taking care of the lop at a jd didn't really sound that appetizing.

it was one of those nights that happens where it takes some time to digest as what happens reflects on your own perspective of life.
carter sat down next to us as a friend of a friend.  i was entrenched in a "getting to know a cute girl named serena"  (who unfortunately lives with her boyfriend).  and wendy was being sociable on a chilly sunday night by the pool at the W.   "hi nice to meet you".  and then 5 minutes later, carter, the guy with dyed blonde hair, purple 3 quarter khaki's, tods and monogram wallet and cell phone holder started his monologue.  
but first he sipped his whiskey, and took a drag of his cigarette.  
"what would you do if you had 3 months left to live...i was diagnosed with brain cancer.  and i just got over lung cancer last year.  my dad died of cancer.  my brother died at 32 of health issues.  my mom lives in japan and when she comes to taiwan, she doesn't want to see me.  i don't have any financial burden, so what would you do with the next 3 months..."

it was after this night that i died for a month.  a night at spark.  then ran into david....perfect storm.

who says i'm not a good taiwanese.  coming back for national day...oh right.  i'm not taiwanese...but he is.

do not remember giving out my number....but "hi"...hahaha.

"'s it like being a tour guide now?"
my sister went to korea to visit julie and then julie came to taiwan to visit my sister.  both are 30 year old american asians that somehow lack the mature sense of a 30 year old.  i don't understand why it took the cab 45 minutes to get from 강남역 to my apartment.  and i don't understand how they had that tiff (shouting match) with the nanta raging korean man.  CALL SECURITY!  and i don't understand how they 糊裡糊塗 get by doing anything, all while holding a heavy american "so what" attitude.  if u want to be cutesy u have to 聽話.  if u want to give attitude, then u have to be self sufficient.  can't be both.  doesn't work.

victor had some meetings while he was in korea.  he's always been able to mesh his personal life and his work life pretty well.  and that's something that i've always admired as not only is this a tough feat to do for anyone, he somehow finds a way for his work life to 'love victor for victor'  to allow the indulgent lifestyle and hedonistic nightlife to take over and not affect the next days reputation.  that is amazing.  and so while he had some meetings with henry, a funny conversation took place...and it went something like.  henry is gay btw..
"i can't introduce you to girls but i can take you to a massage...i don't like girls but i don't mind getting a massage...oh c'mon victor don't tell me u never tried to kiss a guy either.  weren't you in a fraternity...aren't you supposed to be open minded?"
he stroked the squid and it squirted.

thursday - bbq ktv. ktv. a+/japaghetti
friday - octagon
saturday - itaewon & 88
sunday - nb
monday - apku

SATURDAY - itaewon...this was quite a night. we started late.  hungover.  sam gye tang.

it's become routine.  alex is normal.  victor is completely messed up.  alex gets kicked out.  and that's why victor slept on my couch in the hallway all night.  however, i did meet crystal.  someone i've been talking about since beijing.  little white top.  white headphones.  house dj.  amazing.  we run into old friends.  and a vitamin box.  
"no more valiums...ok.  give me half."
we didn't eat anything did we?  just fried chicken?


”when are you moving back to tw?  i know you want to move back.“ - kenny young
there's no money in tw.  i can't move back.  it probably seems like i want to move back.  i probably do want to move back esp now that i'm so much more appreciative (since living in korea) of the comfortable lifestyle, the friendly people, the language ease, the variety of foods that taiwan has to offer.  there's just no money in taiwan.  there's just no industry to be making money in taiwan.  there's just no future for someone like me.  there's no injection of foreign money.  there's no opportunity for foreign labor.  
"機場捷運快建好了。。。but its financed all domestically.  no foreign debt."  - but today's global economy, debt is just a number.  u just need to balance your books.  and in fact, you want foreign money to come in to pump into your economy so there's more cashflow domestically.   instead of just owing each other and letting the country wallow in its own lack of cash flow.  gah.
W hotel.  last sunday pool party of the summer.

i wanted the weekend in taiwan to be a bit of a detox.  some working out.  some wholesome activities.  and while that may not have happened, it was a relatively tame weekend with no hangovers, good nutritious food albeit late night (rather than my typical instant noodle and anjoo filled nights in korea), and i did work out 2x. i missed chinese flavors.  

friday night - avengers and 熱炒。
saturday night - bar code and the magic words...三合一。 劉媽媽涼麵。

sunday night - 錢櫃。 小李子。
monday night - 2046.  馬祖麵。