"oh when korean women turn 40, they immediately cut their hair above shoulder length, get the pomma, put on the st john, eat bing soo and have the greatest most perfect posture ever!"
"and they drive a white car with tan interior..."
and that was the premise of a fun filled day with my little ekhym. back from michigan mba where she claims to have become one with the stretchy pants, performance fleeces and carbohydrate ridden diet of the midwest in order to claim "i don't know if i can deal with NY anymore. i don't care about hat hair....no my hat isn't a north face. it's grittier"
ok esther. lets put the home depot of hats away and please come back to your roots. i know u came for a networking trade show. but the only network u need is chomo. elitists unite! and that's how the day was on monday. cardio and company. and a long conversation about chomo and what he would do with a honda. utterly confused @ it. poking at it. "moh ya?"...haha. we talked about the chomolympics. where we'd each hold up flashcards, ie a metrocard, a picture of a honda, and he'd have to name the item. hahaha.
i took esther to gustorganics for lunch. some years back, she suddenly became one of those vegetarians that eat seafood. she followed the growth trend of whole foods popularity. then it was organic. and now she's on vegan. i never take her seriously because i'll always remember breaking into her house on her birthday to wish her happy birthday. getting kicked out and yelled at by her. but not before stealing hot pockets out of her freezer. so for lunch, we had lentils. beet soup. a vege sandwich and organic coffee. coffee was good. food wasn't bad. but the conversation with the hostess about GMO soy was killing me. esther outdueled miss holistic waitress by flooding a mess of organic acronyms and disdaining non responsible, unsustainable foods.
"when in doubt live life as a k drama"
when confused. spend money. ha! shopping was quick. bloomies offered david burke. self service and table service. we're kindred mates. we knew. table service was the only way. so was the champagne. so was the ketel and soda. and so was bitching about the retarded concept of egg salad in a taco shell. i did get to eat a nice meatloaf. which i dont understand why there is cheese in meat fillings because u have to put so much cheese to get a subtle taste while they just put so much more cheese on top of it. just to make it cheesier and extra calorie-er. either way. it was good. good thing i worked out the next day.
so we met frank @ saks. we bought shoes. we returned shoes. we bought shoes again. we were hungry again. we ate @ typhoon with sake. we went to chomos. we went home. we watched mad men. we had a great day. luv ya esther!
"...because you let women dominate your life"
OOooo..a chocolate shoe!
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