contrary to popular belief, weddings are reunions not a place to meet new single people. for cliche value, i'd love to date someone i met at a wedding. "oh so where did you guys meet"...."at a wedding! kakakka"....but it doesn't happen. and im less and less inclined to think that it will happen. however, it doesn't mean there's no reason to get dolled up anyways. one should get dressed up and look their best because it's in respect to the bride and groom. it's to fit in with everyone else who is looking spiffy. and it's to make sure you the 40 megapixel photographers only need to airbrush the zoomed in pores and wrinkles of your face and not completely photoshop your dirty untucked unlaundered shirt. i used to get excited for weddings (a direct influence of a louisa) but not no more. while everyone else is +1, i make my cameo in the boring black and white uniform, making the routine speech when asked "hey...long time, where ya been? i see your pictures on fb"
jins wedding completely slipped my mind. if he hadn't had sent out that rsvp reminder via email on monday, i woulda been in sunny LA (rainy LA last weekend actually). he's been married and with child for close to 2 years and finally decided to have his ceremony...OUT IN LONG ISLAND and...@ NOON!!! us hungover singles need time to unbloat the previous nights drinks before the wedding attire feels comfortable again. kakakaa~ i did make it on time. 30 min early actually. i did see tons of people i haven't seen in forever and in fact, it was a great wedding, even though day drinking is torture. the jin crowd, my NYU lambda crowd, the crowd that's 5 years older than me, i distinctly remember, before i left for asia in 2004, we used to take 3-4 trips a year, bahamas, puerto rico, miami, vegas, tahoe...etc....and party like we were 19. now im back and everyones married and in relationships and about to get married and about to have kids and moving in together and maturing and being boring and being old and not drinking and being not 19. like me. so, i haven't seen them at all even though i've been back close to 7 months now. but now i got their digits, and i'll have to throw quarterly quarter 19th birthdays for myself for them all to come out!! although, we do have 3 weddings lined up for the rest of the year already. egad.
so the problem of being 1 of 6 single people at an uber hitched wedding audience is that the seating arrangement clumps you together. and for the most part, single people in their late 20's early 30's have good reason to be single. whether for vain reasons, desparate reasons, etc. and i somehow always get caught in the mix of the dj yelling "everyone join the bride and groom in their first dance"..."everyone come up to the dance floor with your partner!!!".....and then of course im always caught on camera doing something silly, with someone im not too keen on dancing with. and most likely. drunk. and of course its ends up on facebok. but it's ok. u'll all see it. im not a deleter. (i will at times untag)
hey alex what you up to lately?
oh im gonna be going into nat gas swaps
random guy turning around
oh you're still young. you should get into tech...have you seen appl lately?
hog pit afterwards
40 bucks for half of that.
hahaha..catsup. i woulda loved to see the loook on ur face when u get screwed.
3k to eat one of everything in the vending machine
and not that guy.
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