that was impromptu monday jan 6th which would be the 2nd impromptu night of the year because last friday, jan 1st 2010, things happened a little differently. tired from new years, we all decided to stay home and watch a movie and play poker. but with guests over, and some competitive shit talking in tow. we slowly dipped into the remaining 6 cases of beer we had leftover and started on beer pong. a 6 hour long competition of sorts where losses became rematches and rematches became overtime rematches and 5 beer each games.
impromptu nights.
there's something to be said about the nights of impromptu. the nights that will only exist in a metropolis. the nights that start with the most angelic of intentions and end up becoming a tangent of madness. from one whirlpool of drinks to another, it just takes one thirsty drinker, one catalyst, one instigator, a few followers and voila. u've got yourself the BEST nights of the week. no expectations, no hidden agenda, no actual goal for (hitting on chicks, have to try this restaurant, no reason for celebration or consolation), it's sole purpose is for the enjoyment of one anothers company. but without pictures, i have no clue what exactly ensued that led to drinks starting at 5 and ending at 3am. bar 89. lure. RIDICULOUS 1,100 tab on a monday night?. lair. on a monday!?!@#?!@?# come on.
that was impromptu monday jan 6th which would be the 2nd impromptu night of the year because last friday, jan 1st 2010, things happened a little differently. tired from new years, we all decided to stay home and watch a movie and play poker. but with guests over, and some competitive shit talking in tow. we slowly dipped into the remaining 6 cases of beer we had leftover and started on beer pong. a 6 hour long competition of sorts where losses became rematches and rematches became overtime rematches and 5 beer each games.

that was impromptu monday jan 6th which would be the 2nd impromptu night of the year because last friday, jan 1st 2010, things happened a little differently. tired from new years, we all decided to stay home and watch a movie and play poker. but with guests over, and some competitive shit talking in tow. we slowly dipped into the remaining 6 cases of beer we had leftover and started on beer pong. a 6 hour long competition of sorts where losses became rematches and rematches became overtime rematches and 5 beer each games.
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