we watched inglorious bastards. and when we arose from the dungeon at around 2.30. john had a sudden urge to get WASTED. drinking games? 7-8-9. @ 2.30 till 5.30. with some luncheon meat caught in the middle. angela loves her biru!
inglorious bastards.
snow days are a common thing for a new yorker. and we're very well used to the routine of locking urself in eating comfort foods and watching a buttload of TV. snow days are even better when the entire world decides to sleep over and stay over. and chill and chill and ....watch a movie downstairs. and chill. and get stuck cuz u can't get a cab to go home. and just sleep over. and the great thing about NY, u can still order delivery from the deli in crap weather.
we watched inglorious bastards. and when we arose from the dungeon at around 2.30. john had a sudden urge to get WASTED. drinking games? 7-8-9. @ 2.30 till 5.30. with some luncheon meat caught in the middle. angela loves her biru!

we watched inglorious bastards. and when we arose from the dungeon at around 2.30. john had a sudden urge to get WASTED. drinking games? 7-8-9. @ 2.30 till 5.30. with some luncheon meat caught in the middle. angela loves her biru!
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