u feed me. i feed u!
everybody loves hien!
great kisser!
**hiram was driving...saw some asian jumping on the street and thought..that could be chung....IT IS CHUNG!**
while we had dinner. the boys at the lair did this. hahaha. (im not a fan of nypdpsi and they will name me bandit..hahaha)
we've made contact with nyu pdpsi
meeboguest597592: hey hao
meeboguest597592: you there
haonanzhang: hi
haonanzhang: who's this?
meeboguest597592: we're alumni
haonanzhang: haha
meeboguest597592: from nyu
haonanzhang: suppppp
meeboguest597592: just checking out the site
haonanzhang: nice
haonanzhang: you like it?
meeboguest597592: nice work, but wheres our picts
haonanzhang: lol.
meeboguest597592: pictures
haonanzhang: send it to me!!
meeboguest597592: alrigth
haonanzhang: send me your profiles too!
haonanzhang: lol
haonanzhang: stud@nyupdpsi.com
haonanzhang: oh and if you want @nyupdpsi.com emails too. i can hook you up
meeboguest597592: we'll cover alphas to zetas
haonanzhang: wait. who is this though?
meeboguest597592: victor hsu
meeboguest597592: aka fathom
meeboguest597592: jump shoes
haonanzhang: oh...wow.
haonanzhang: yeah
haonanzhang: alum
haonanzhang: really alum
haonanzhang: lol
meeboguest597592: i have her with me brothers special k and aquaman
haonanzhang: OH SNAP
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: hi guys
meeboguest597592: yes, the titans are all under the same roof tonight
haonanzhang: where you guys at?
meeboguest597592: we're having our weekly alumni meeting
haonanzhang: hey. can you send me everyone's contact info?
haonanzhang: ie. email, name, cell?
meeboguest597592: we have a house near union sq
meeboguest597592: we are the splinter organization of the alumnis
meeboguest597592: alright
haonanzhang: btw
haonanzhang: i'm PE next semester
haonanzhang: so...if you want. i'll make sure they interview y'all
meeboguest597592: cool
meeboguest597592: we're pretty close to campus
meeboguest597592: let us know if you need any involvement in our part
haonanzhang: do you thinkn
haonanzhang: we can do rush events at your place?
meeboguest597592: are there hookers involved?
haonanzhang: you mean
meeboguest597592: jk lol
haonanzhang: freshman girls?
haonanzhang: yes
meeboguest597592: hahaha
meeboguest597592: yes we were not JK
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: but yeah
haonanzhang: how did you guys
haonanzhang: get to this site?
meeboguest597592: i like where the fraternity is headed
haonanzhang: google?
haonanzhang: or just... typed nyupdpsi.com
meeboguest597592: just checked out the site
meeboguest597592: weve been monitoring your activities from afar
haonanzhang: hahahahaha
haonanzhang: but yeah
haonanzhang: when i crossed
haonanzhang: i mean
haonanzhang: ever since i crossed
haonanzhang: sp 08
haonanzhang: this website has been my baby
haonanzhang: getting pretty good ROI on this thing
meeboguest597592: yea, thats good to hear
haonanzhang: Baruch Beta Phi Sigma contacted us for a mixer
haonanzhang: through teh site
haonanzhang: last summer
haonanzhang: and we've been on really good terms with them
haonanzhang: ever since
haonanzhang: and now
haonanzhang: the you guys
haonanzhang: contact us through this
haonanzhang: thanks
meeboguest597592: this is johns email
meeboguest597592: number 917 887 5602
meeboguest597592: he's the one with the house near union square
meeboguest597592: but we all chill around here
haonanzhang: what's his email?
meeboguest597592: johndu1011@yahoo.com
haonanzhang: cool
meeboguest597592: did the fall pledges just cross
haonanzhang: yep
haonanzhang: crossed
haonanzhang: right before thanksgiving
meeboguest597592: alright man, keep in touch
haonanzhang: can i get the contact info of everyone else?
meeboguest597592: later
haonanzhang: or yeah
haonanzhang: email it to me then
haonanzhang: stud@nyupdpsi.com
meeboguest597592: talk to john
haonanzhang: AY AY. l8rs then
meeboguest597592: victor will send you the pics
haonanzhang: aite
haonanzhang: nice
meeboguest597592: ay
meeboguest597592: alumni out!
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