with all the praise, still doesn't mean i find her ridiculous. i find her ridiculous in her white mink coat with her black mink hat walking around target. i find it ridiculous when she cuts the band off and says, "WAIT. CUT. TURN THE LIGHTS DOWN. GIMME SPOTLIGHT!"....i find her ridiculous to see a poster and say "HEY, it's me!"...AND I SAY "UGH. 看膩了"
diva for a mom.
when i go to a concert. i'll write a review here. even if it's my mom. and her voice never ceases to amaze me. for such a small woman, the notes that she's able to belt out, with such force, with such passion and the kind of old school stage presence that's completely absent in today's artists. i accredit the development of her stage charisma to her 2 kids helping her bridge the gap of east and west alongside the rebellious mtv youth, where everything is "jokable". however, it's a sad truth that she's getting older but her voice oddly enough has gotten stronger. but im not gonna sugar coat this show. when she spoke, she sounded under the weather. a little raspy. the softer notes didn't project as clear...it's only that she's trained enough to sing through her diaphragm that the loud high notes were able to come out from within. her control of an inadequate band was expected to be amazing. her control of the audience, a captivated audience....was unparalled to any other show i've seen her sing. as she conveyed her anecdotes in mandarin, taiwanese, and cantonese, it became more and more apparent to the hosts of the show that they undervalued the ticket prices which they promised they'd make with the next show. in vegas. cny.
with all the praise, still doesn't mean i find her ridiculous. i find her ridiculous in her white mink coat with her black mink hat walking around target. i find it ridiculous when she cuts the band off and says, "WAIT. CUT. TURN THE LIGHTS DOWN. GIMME SPOTLIGHT!"....i find her ridiculous to see a poster and say "HEY, it's me!"...AND I SAY "UGH. 看膩了"

with all the praise, still doesn't mean i find her ridiculous. i find her ridiculous in her white mink coat with her black mink hat walking around target. i find it ridiculous when she cuts the band off and says, "WAIT. CUT. TURN THE LIGHTS DOWN. GIMME SPOTLIGHT!"....i find her ridiculous to see a poster and say "HEY, it's me!"...AND I SAY "UGH. 看膩了"
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