"why do we celebrate mediocrity?" why do we find it necessary to compliment the things "u should do anyway". isn't it embarrassing? is this culture of 'reassurance' to blame for american ideals across the board? (ridicule the bad and merit the good, everything else in btwn leave alone - there's no need to gloat the borderline piss poor). declining gdp, fiscal policy, international affaris, educational decline, child discipline, global warming, environmental responsibility, automotive suckage, US athletes etc...i might be less critical of embarrassing shock media such as the day time talkshow exploits of the unstable household, but i find it quite belittling as an audience to be subjected to a constant kudos and affirmation of the mediocre. i'm not dumb, and i don't want u to be entertaining me with the dumb. at least not 90% of the time. jeezus. i do realize my complaints are specific to my current mood (and obviously the ratings show that the dumb shows sell), triggered by a food network guiness world record challenge for "flipping most pancakes in an hour". the man that won the competition and broke the world record gleefully boasted that "it was my 23 years of [panckae flipping] experience that really helped". im not bashing on this man, because he has turned his trivial simplistic hobby of pancakes and turned it into a successful catering business, but just the general feel of this statement incited a flurry of ridiculous statement reactions. people boasting about insignificant acts like they ruled the world, maybe had something to do with hearing too many rappers on the radio who have trouble speaking in two syllable words. groggy annoyance driving home, listening to non eloquent self righteous rappers whirlwinded me into my whole theory on american arrogance. posted many a time in my 3 year stint on xanga...an arrogant superpower on the decline. -- maybe i was hating on an oprah book club book earlier that got me annoyed too. her book club sucks. u have to see the family guy satire on the book club. my feelings exactly. looks like the big O is gaining weight again too! well, i turned on oprah to catch a glimpse of robin thickes wife, and instead i witnessed the superfluous applause female bio-genetic emotions.
anyways, im thinking of taking this food blogging to the next step. SLR camera. maybe that was the subconscious reason i broke 3 cameras the past 2 years. thanks to christine, i've being walked through into the art of photography. it seems that i can tweak the point and shoot cameras for better results, but we'll see. not to mention, im moving into the world of digital editing, now that 2 macs are in my house. does anyone use photoshop 3?? how is it? im trying to dL it now. does it make the mac intel duo crash?

OH HOT NESS.......hoag just got them....i want the yellow ones!!!
missing pictures....and missing memory....

i wasn't out for this night...but man...this picture is AWESOME.

this one is pretty funny too

does anyone have toadies - tyler?
=( so much fun. missing all of you guys like whOa....
we got REALLY good rice down here, Alex. freshly harvested. come down. [hahaha]
i like the T&A pictures... those are sOo funny... hahah I am going through NYC withdrawal already!!! i wanna so back soon!!!!!!!
hahah cute pics! i love that one with the cops in the back.
very interestin' pics ^ ^
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