shake n bake!
kimbo at work
always let ur meat rest.
the sauce.
editors correction for yesterdays post on the steph quotes: she said - said "melt not mount".....but doesn't "mount pose for a better quote? "his voice just makes me want to MOUNT":: in addition to "u're such a great friend, but i could see u as a terrible boyfriend"
n bar - i had reservation issues yesterday but all i knew was that i wanted latin food, that's usually the case when i put nice weather and nyc together. settled on n bar over la esquina which turned out to be "jinx" mistake, nonetheless i liked n bar. my ordering revolves around variety and in most cases appetizers, (i find entrees almost too overwhelming, or the proteins to be uberly redundant, and too high of a risk for it to be just 'ehh) which is why tapas is a hit with me. angela posed the issue of "wanting to diet before saturdays bikini party" so we kept it low carb - jamon serrano over garlic tomato smothered toast (i love love love spanish ham, i'll take it over prosciutto any day), asparagus salad, meatballs in squid ink ( i like squid ink and it was interesting to see it not in risotto or pasta), a potato tortilla that looked more like a quiche which was pretty good actually, the shrimp however seemed to callously sauteed in oil and herbs (not overcooked though...just a bit boring)....a hole in the wall in the quieter area of soho, candle lit and tight packed stools for my much needed antithetical romantique date effect with a 'quasi married woman'. the good thing about sitting bar style one on one is that in those distinct times of silence and awkward "i need time to think to answer your question", u dont need to stare into the persons eyes directly sitting across from you. the sitting side by side tactic has you strategically at a swivel for the casual peruse around the room allowing the pensive "hmm" at a downward angle usually staring at the napkin pile on the bar. having dinner with someone that u usually see in rambunctious dimlit settings still allows the formality of MY usual gregarious outburst, but post 10 minutes either u're clawing for deeper material or u just somehow fall into a groove of coincidal nothings. the latter ensued.
"playing with dangerous fairy tales"
so angela went home and we went to mrqeee. (down with constantinople!). i came out to pick up a remix for mom, didn't realize it would turn out to be a night where my karma would come back to haunt me. platinum blond pollack came out with a new look, very very cute haircut. love the bangs and the black hair is def better.....apparently the new look came with a new LACK OF GUSTO. PUNK. tpak was the woman in the red dress and definitely didnt' forget the 2 fresh loaves of wholesome goodness at home. so we seemed to have a full crowd, but almost everyone left, including the vacationing LOP. instead, i was left with mr dulicious and his 2 new friends from the weekend, of which one i was requested to be generously groped and flirtingly smacked around by. lets just say, i have lucipher wings. *shiver*
for the du - "she wasn't even gyrating on your pelvis...she was like...epileptic on the dance floor"
mmm, stop the torture... those look GOOD.......... i think i like short ribs better than spare ribs though. but ahhhh the delicious!
ps most of my guy friends i feel that way about - they'd be terrible boyfriends, but they're fine as friends (taking some liberties with the quote there)
wahhh. can you be my brother?
mmmm making me hungry. hehe
Alex you sure can COOK! i love your salsa... lemme borrow your recipe =) you should have cooked us your special ribs at the bbq!
Yo fuul...thanks for the hopitality man, i had a great time, you guys are awesome, lets do it again soon...this time, i'll bring the midgets!!!
Ok my bad about last night. instead of eating food we gorged ourselves in alchy drinks. well maybe not gorge, but it sure did feel like i dranks a lot. needless to say, empty stomachs makes for a very early drunken night. not much alcahol was needed to get my ass drunk . next time homie.
yeah, i think i go there just for the view, haha... anyway, hear you're heading back to the motherland? that 6-mo open ticket is finally coming to an end huh... well, hope your "abc type cast" lands you a sweet soap opera role!
by the way I want some ribs too! cook for me!
dude the loaves stuff needs to stop! hahahhaa damn u victor. hope ya had fun, sorry we bailed out early we were soo tired.
i wasnt constipated, your ribs are! hehehe...i know im a sore loser.
you guys should come down and we all do a bbq cook-out competition at the lake! but're gone already. i know you held on to meet us =) thanks derpderp
flickr is blocked at work.
will have to check when i get back to the abode.
wow i didnt know you could cook!!! what a turn on!! whoa! oOoweee!! =) hehe
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