"u're still scared to be locked down..."
8 oclock turned into 9 oclock and then 10 oclock cuz she works a lot. a lot a lot a lot. and i wanted to watch the game. and so with my back turned to the tv, we watched the game. i drank argentinian wine brought back from argentina. she sipped on argentinian wine she brought back from argentina. and while munching on some australian chicken flavored crackers, we caught up for the first time in a year. over a year. wow. by now, i've had enough time to digest last year and i start the story with..."i had a tough year last year...really hard for me" and the work stories bleed into a cultural dissection tying in dating idiosyncracies before boomeranging back towards work, culture, history, global influence and that's when i take a deep breath.
"in hindsight, do you think you should've moved to houston instead?"
"it's not that you misjudged koreans, but u put too much faith in koreans"
then the conversation shifts...how are you? my counter parties don't monologue like i do. i drive questions in bullet point form. hammering through a years catchup in 10 sentences before going back and filling in the blanks. an intimidating rhythm of banter for some, but those who are used to it, they can foreshadow my next line of questioning. and so we caught up quite satisfyingly. to which the next conversation was then..."what are you doing this weekend" (just don't send me that google calendar thing...i don't want to be locked down...hahhaha)
oh yea...and this happened...
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