네고향 해물손칼국수 - ok....this place is a win. it's clean, the ahjuma's are friendly. the noodles are hand cut (not hand pulled). the soups are fresh and with no msg. the mandoo's are made slowly and carefully and everything just tastes great. it's a must eat.
네고향 해물손칼국수 & runyon canyon
runyon canyon - i must really be pushing into a state of adulthood if i'm not only hiking but also enjoying scenery and landscapes. cuz when asked if i wanted to go hiking, i was down. and the view was a great. got some exercise and hiked into hollywood hills. a much different experience than hiking in wet, humid dark staircases of asian mountains. LA hiking is dry, cacti, with larger set, athletic geared white people sweating and chatting while hiking up the mountain.

네고향 해물손칼국수 - ok....this place is a win. it's clean, the ahjuma's are friendly. the noodles are hand cut (not hand pulled). the soups are fresh and with no msg. the mandoo's are made slowly and carefully and everything just tastes great. it's a must eat.
네고향 해물손칼국수 - ok....this place is a win. it's clean, the ahjuma's are friendly. the noodles are hand cut (not hand pulled). the soups are fresh and with no msg. the mandoo's are made slowly and carefully and everything just tastes great. it's a must eat.
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