last year, i took a trip to kuala lumpur for a string of meetings with Petronas. during that one day trip, i drank about 8 coffees. the first 3 were to stay awake. the next 4 were cuz everyone else had one (kopi run in malay veins). That's 7 coffee's and not 8. my math is wrong and my story is exaggerated. but the essence of this story is in the effect of the lactic condiment.
i had so many coffee's that day that the milk made me wiggle around my chair in every meeting that day. i hit the bathroom 50x and didn't feel better till 2 days later. nor did i sleep till 2 days later. last week, i walked around a factory inhaling rawhide-washing and dying chemicals, burning my nostrils all while my stomach, once again did back flips during the tour and more so the meeting.
what a day.
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