good for a weeknight =).
i've been craving korean food every single day. in fact, close to every single meal. and when i'm dining @ other asian restaurants and kimchi is available as a side dish, no matter how unauthentic it may be, i still nonchalantly scarf the whole thing down whilst contemplating ordering another. maybe it's that i've bought 4 korean movies this week and watching girlfriends beat up boyfriends and incessant smacks to the head between guys, has brought back the nostalgia of jnco baggy jeans, the one strap manhattan portage bag and a heaping wad of gel. but more likely it's the joint slurping over a communal pot of red stew with long spoons and washing it all down with a face cringing shot of soju.
disco claims my kimchi levels are low
chomo claims im merely going back to my roots.
louisa claims im craving a korean girl.
isn't it amazing how a couple summers @ hak won can change one's life so dramatically? people in taiwan have proclaimed their love for pork floss. "i can just eat pork floss with a bowl of rice", i, however, instinctively replace pork floss with kimchi. hahaha. now where's that djdoc cd!
do they come in english subtitles?I need to learn a few things from those men-beating korean ladies!
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